希望未來有機會合作 英文

Hope that we are happy to work together. I hope we can work together. Yours faithfully, (信件一開始並沒有寫收信人名字,如dear hiring manager, 結尾就選擇有距離感的yours faithfully) yours sincerely,(一開頭有指名收寫給特定某人,但並不. 我們將以誠信 、 務實、認真 的 態度 期待與您的合作!

希望未來有機會合作 英文
Ronda Model麻豆網 看影片找Model、不必受照騙(Model、SG、PG、Dancer、主持人、英文主持、男模)

希望未來有機會合作 英文. Hope that we are happy to work together. Looking forward to cooperating with you! I hope i will have the opportunity to cooperate. No need to thank me. I hope we can work together. Yours faithfully, (信件一開始並沒有寫收信人名字,如dear hiring manager, 結尾就選擇有距離感的yours faithfully) yours sincerely,(一開頭有指名收寫給特定某人,但並不.

I Hope We Can Work Together.

關於「期待 未來 有合作 的 機會 英文」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. No need to thank me. 商務英文 表達合作愉快 為什麼寫 have better cooperation 不正確 戒掉爛英文 商周.

I Hope I Will Have The Opportunity To Cooperate.

新鮮菜鳥 資深職人 新手主管 中高階經理人 求職轉職 創新創業. [復制] i hope i will have the opportunity to cooperate. Hope that we are happy to work together.

我們將以誠信 、 務實、認真 的 態度 期待與您的合作!

We be honesty, pragmatism and serious attitude look to working with you for your cooperation! Yours faithfully, (信件一開始並沒有寫收信人名字,如dear hiring manager, 結尾就選擇有距離感的yours faithfully) yours sincerely,(一開頭有指名收寫給特定某人,但並不. Looking forward to cooperating with you!

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