Agree With 中文

<例> the climate in hawaii agrees. 例句:i agree with you to a certain degree. My mom agreed to go to the supermarket with me. After unwillingness or argument ) 。.

agree with 中文
I support these Sakura couples and NaruSaku isn't in this because I don

agree with 中文. <例> the climate in hawaii agrees. After unwillingness or argument ) 。. 正像ald 所說, agree to 尤指不樂意或爭論之後的同意 ( to accept an idea , opinion , etc., esp. I don't agree with hunting. To think that something is morally acceptable. 例:i don’t agree with hunting.

Agree/Disagree With Sb (On Sth) Jessie Agreed With Me On My Study Plan.

<例> the climate in hawaii agrees. 例句:i agree with you to a certain degree. 常plan (计划)、date (日期)、terms (条件)、price (价格)等名词连。.

正像Ald 所說, Agree To 尤指不樂意或爭論之後的同意 ( To Accept An Idea , Opinion , Etc., Esp.

例:i don’t agree with hunting. Agree翻譯:相同意見, 持相同意見;贊成,贊同, 相同意見, 對…一致同意;對…達成協議;批准;認可, (對建議或想法表示)同意,贊成,贊同, 相同的, 一致,相符,相同;極相似, 文法…。 After unwillingness or argument ) 。.

To Think That Something Is Morally Acceptable.

My mom agreed to go to the supermarket with me. 用agrees with造句 agrees with in a sentenceagrees with怎麼讀. I don't agree with hunting.

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